Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


M. Manikandan, Dr. P. D. Arumairaj, V. Sathees Kumar

Abstract :

 Construction activities on soft soils of marine environment have proven to be a challenging task for engineers. The marine clay deposits are very soft and it possess very high natural moisture content. This clay soil is characterized by its low permeability and high compressibility. Many important onshore and offshore structures are to be supported on this soil. A study to improve the shear strength of the marine clay has become imperative. In the previous studies as cement stabilization was considered effective in improving the strength parameter. The focus was mainly on shear strength of the marine clay. The permeability characteristics of cement treated marine clay and its effect on shear strength was not addressed. The present study is focused on permeability and strength behavior of cement treated marine clay at varying cement contents. The remoulded marine clay collected from the shores of Bay of Bengal, Akkaraipettai, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu are used. Oedometer tests are conducted on marine clay specimens to study the variation of permeability and strength (vertical and horizontal) characteristics. In addition, curing periods on the flow characteristics are also studied.

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M.Manikandan, Dr.P.D.Arumairaj, V.Sathees kumar Experimental Study on Permeability Behaviour in Cement Treated Marine Clay International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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