Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): A Rising Investment Avenue

Dr. Kaushal Bhatt

Abstract :

Investment is the commitment of funds by buying securities or other monetary or paper (financial) assets in the money markets or capital markets, or in fairly liquid real assets, such as gold, real estate, or collectibles. An investment can be described as perfect if it satisfies all the needs of professional investors. There are large numbers of investment avenues for savers. Some of them are marketable, liquid, while others are non–marketable. This paper addresses Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), the index investments that are a cross between exchanges listed corporate securities and open–ended mutual funds. While ETFs are now competing with mutual funds, they have a very different history and operational structure. It is important for investors to know the difference between mutual funds and ETFs and few investors fully understand ETFs. This paper focuses on conceptual and theoretical aspects of ETFs in India. It covers its comparison with mutual funds

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Dr. Kaushal Bhatt Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): A Rising Investment Avenue International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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