Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Evolving Pedestrian Friendly Residential Neighbourhood Layout

Khan Amadur, Mohd Farhan Fazli, Mohd. Khalid Hasan

Abstract :

Indian cities are growing rapidly due to boost in production and sustained economic growth over the past decade. This has created wealth entailing increase in consumer demands. A surge in vehicular sale is seen with Delhi registering more than 1000 vehicles everyday adding to an existing vehicular count of more than 6 million. Increase in vehicular volume has created a chaotic situation on urban roads. The problem of traffic congestion has crept from the city main roads to collector streets and local streets. The residential areas having relatively less ROW are worst affected by increase in volume of vehicular traffic and Off–street parking. The residential neighbourhood roads no longer remain safe for the pedestrian and children. The concept of a peaceful neighbourhood with low vehicular traffic and pedestrian friendly circulation pattern lies in tatters. The residential areas are the bedrooms of any city. The residents of these areas invest their life time savings to procure a decent and peaceful living space and a healthy residential environment. These areas are supposed to be free from everyday hassles and conflicts of urban life. It should be friendly to the pedestrian movement. It is essential to evolve residential sector layouts to sort out the problems of urban traffic chaos. The paper aims to determine the following: • Restrict the vehicular movement in residential areas. • Local shopping areas to be segregated from the residential zone in the residential areas. • Discouraging thoroughfare inside residential areas. • Segregating vehicular and pedestrian traffic. • Avoiding conflict points and provision of pedestrian safety measures at conflict points. • Evolving pedestrian friendly, environment friendly and safe traffic movement inside the residential areas. The study shall cover only the residential areas of an urban set up. It shall consider the facilities inside the sector and not take into account the influence of facilities adjacent to the residential areas

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Khan Amadur, Mohd Farhan Fazli, Mohd.Khalid Hasan Evolving Pedestrian Friendly Residential Neighbourhood Layout International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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