Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Evaluation of Water Quality of Panchganga River with reference to Waterborne Diseases

Mangalekar S. B. , Samant J. S.

Abstract :

 In Kolhapur District in Maharashtra water pollution due to domestic and industrial sources has lately been causing various waterborne diseases amongst the people living in Panchganga river basin. During this study Panchganga river water was analyzed, in three seasons during years 2010–2012, for nine physico–chemical parameters. MPN count of drinking water and questioner survey of locals was also carried out to understand the possible correlation between the river water quality and water–borne diseases incidence amongst the locals. The waterborne diseases observed in the study area were Gastro, Hepatitis, and Fever 6 etc. Water Quality Index (WQI) was carried out to know the status of Panchganga river water and MPN count was studied to recognize the extent of fecal contamination in drinking water at respective sites. The status of water borne diseases in the study area was further evaluated by administering a questionnaire survey. It is observed that, except few values of water quality index, the rest are found to be less than 50, indicating unacceptable quality of water from Panchganga River. This condition could be related to increasing trend of number of people suffering from water borne diseases during 2010–2012.

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Mangalekar S. B., Samant J.S. Evaluation of Water Quality of Panchganga River with reference to Waterborne Diseases International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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