Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Evaluation of Tensile Bond Strength and Hybrid Layer of Newer Generation Adhesive with Single and Multiple Consecutive Applications– An In–vitro Study

Dr. Aravelli Swathi, Dr. C. S. Soonu, Dr. T. Jayaprakash, Dr. Veeramachaneni Chandrasekhar, Dr. Soujanya E, Dr. Apoorva K,

Abstract :


The objective of the study is to determine the effect of single and multiple consecutive coatings of all–in–one adhesive on tensile bond strength and hyid layer formation.  Forty two extracted human mandibular molars were selected. Specimens were divided into three groups based on the number of applications of Tetric N–bond all–in–one adhesive. Group 1: Single layer of adhesive; Group 2: Two layers of adhesive; Group 3: Four consecutive layers of adhesive were applied. Intermediate curing was done between each layer. Resin composite build–ups were made. 30 teeth were evaluated for tensile bond strength (TBS) using a universal testing machine, 12 teeth were used for hyid layer evaluation using scanning electron microscope. TBS with two consecutive applications of all in one adhesive was significantly higher than with a single application, but application of further coatings caused a decrease in bond strength. There is no significant relationship between increase in number of adhesive layers and thickness of hyid layer.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Aravelli Swathi, Dr. C.S.Soonu, Dr. T. Jayaprakash, Dr. Veeramachaneni Chandrasekhar, Dr. Soujanya E, Dr. Apoorva K, , Evaluation of Tensile Bond Strength and Hybrid Layer of Newer Generation Adhesive with Single and Multiple Consecutive Applications– An In–vitro Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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