Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Evaluation of Serum zinc level in children (Age 6 month 2 years) suffering from acute diarrhea

Dr Rabindra Kumar Mohapatra, Dr Tapan Kumar Mohapatra, Dr Priyankamohanty, Mr Sankhasimlai

Abstract :

Diarrhea is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children in developing countries, intervention trials showed that using zinc in acute diarrhea decrease morbidity and mortabidity. The aim of present study was planned to evaluate serum zinc level in children suffering from acute diarrhea. Venous blood samples was collected for the estimation of serum zinc level by colorimetric kit method.The mean ± SD of serum zinc level in male (case and control) was 36.36 ±3.84 and 87.84 ± 10.22. Similarly, in female (case and control) was 27.18 ± 5.13 and 82.36 ± 7.17 respectively. Zinc therapy is useful in decreasing the duration and severty of acute diarrhea.

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Dr Rabindra Kumar Mohapatra, Dr Tapan Kumar Mohapatra, Dr priyankaMohanty, Mr Sankhasimlai Evaluation of Serum Zinc Level in Children (Age 6 Month – 2 Years) Suffering From Acute Diarrhea International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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