Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Evaluation of Role of Low Dose Aspirin and Antioxidants For Prevention of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in Primigravida

Dr. Prakash Prajapati, Dr. Mittal Bhabhor

Abstract :

Introduction:Hypertensive disorders are one of the commonest medical problems, encountered during pregnancy. Hypertension is a human pregnancy specific disorder that adversely affects the health of mother as well as the fetus. It has been suggested that, supplementation of women with abnormal flow velocity waves in uterine arteries, with aspirin and antioxidants, diminishes the frequency of proteinuria, hypertension.Design:In this study 40 subjects in the case group and 40 subjects in the control group were enrolled. The case group subjects received the additional medication in the form of low dose aspirin and antioxidants as a prophylaxis of hypertension.Discussion:There was decrease incidence of preeclampsia,oligohydramnios,meconium stained liquor and low birth weight in case group. Conclusion:There is a preventive role of low dose aspirin and antioxidants against preeclampsia,MSL & low birth weight.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Prakash Prajapati, Dr. Mittal Bhabhor Evaluation of Role of Low Dose Aspirin and Antioxidants For Prevention of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in Primigravida International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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