Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Evaluation of Renal Function in Intramural Neonates with Birth Asphyxia In a Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. Priyank Ganchi, Dr. Purvi S. Patel, Dr. K. M. Mehariya

Abstract :

 Aims: To study the incidence and evaluate the severity of renal dysfunction in neonates with moderate to severe birth asphyxia. Setting & Design: Prospective cohort study done at Neonatal unit, Department of Pediatrics, B J Medical College, Ahmedabad. Methods & Material: Subjects were inborn neonates of ≥34 completed weeks of gestation with an APGAR score <7 at 1 min after birth. Renal function tests including serum electrolytes were measured at 24 hour interval until 96 hrs of life along with urinary output monitoring .Staging of Acute Kidney Injury was done using Acute Kidney Injury Network criteria (AKIN). Results: A total of 3012 neonates were born during the study period (January 2015 to October 2015),49 of them met the inclusion criteria. Data from 41 neonates were available for final analysis. AKI developed in 11% (n=3) infants with moderate asphyxia(26) and 53.3% (n=8) infants with severe asphyxia(15), making a total incidence of 26.8%. AKI persisted in 12.1% (n=5) neonates at 96 hours of life. Ten neonates (27•7%) had serum creatinine levels >1•5 mg/dl. One infant died and one who was critically ill was discharged against medical advice; both had AKI.

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Dr. Priyank Ganchi, Dr. Purvi S. Patel, Dr. K.M.Mehariya Evaluation of Renal Function in Intramural Neonates with Birth Asphyxia In a Tertiary Care Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |September 2016

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