Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Evaluation of recording of factual information in biopsy request forms

Pradeep B, Akila K, Anjali J Anil

Abstract :


Background: Biopsy request form is an inevitable tool through which clinician conveys the necessary information to the pathologist. Hence ing in the details precisely and comprehensively is of great necessity. Thus we performed a study to know the comprehensiveness of the biopsy request form.


Methods: All the biopsy request forms from January 2017 to December 2017 were assessed for the following details; demographic details, clinical information, details regarding the biopsy procedure performed, other details such as request for special stains, etc. The details were collected using a comprehensive check list.


Results: 860 biopsy request forms were evaluated. The demographic details, hospital number of the patient, morphology and distribution of the lesions were entered in 100% of the histopathology request forms. Request for special stains when required were mentioned in only 8 out of 48 forms (16.6%). Duration of illness, biopsy technique used and site of the biopsy were missed out in 364 (42%), 108 (12.5%) and 20 (2%) of the request forms respectively. The details of previous biopsy were not mentioned in any of the forms.


Conclusion: Through this study we could assess the insufficiency of the details recorded in the biopsy request form. This could be solved by framing the request form in which all the necessary information are included it.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Evaluation of recording of factual information in biopsy request forms , Pradeep B, Akila K, Anjali J Anil , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-12| December-2018

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