Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015


N. S. Kulkarni, P. S. Vyas, R. R. Pachori, P. S. Sadar

Abstract :

 Free enzyme utilization requires large quantity of enzyme which is much expensive economically and reusability is not possible. Hence, with the view to develop the innovative method of an enzyme immobilization, enzyme amylase have been immobilized on different textile faic materials viz;terecott, cotton, silk and nylon. The stability and reusability of an enzyme was evaluated. The enzyme coated textiles were reacted with starch and enzyme activity has been expressed in terms of maltose released. It was observed that the textile immobilized enzyme can be reused for ten successive reaction set ups, with significant enzyme activity. The maximum activity was seen in case of silk followed by terecott, compact and loose cotton and nylon. The experimental findings enlightened the superiority of textile immobilized enzyme for stability and reusability over free and other enzyme substrate reaction setups

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N.S. KULKARNI, P.S. VYAS, R.R. PACHORI, P.S. SADAR Evaluation of Immobilised Amylase Activity Ondifferent Textile Fabricmaterials International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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