Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Evaluation of drill generated acoustic trauma on the non–operated ear following mastoid surgery

Dr. B. V. Chandre Gowda, Dr. Amrita Suzanne Mathew

Abstract :

 Objectives:To evaluate the effect of mastoid drilling on heå in the contralateral normal ear and to determine the nature and duration of heå loss. Materials and methods:60 consenting adults,aged 18–50years,with unilateral squamosal chronic otitis media with contralateral normal heå preoperatively,undergoing modified radical mastoidectomy(MRM),were included in a prospective observational study.Clinical evaluation,pure tone audiometry(PTA)and relevant investigations were done.Postoperatively,patients underwent PTA on days 1,3,5,7 and 1,3,6months. Results:Mean age was 31.47±3.38 years.Preoperative mean bone conduction(BC) threshold was 8.5±1.9 dB.Mean drilling time was 44.53±10.02 minutes.Postoperatively,high frequency sensorineural heå loss(SNHL) was noted in the nonoperated ear in 79%,23%,9% and 2% of patients on days 1(p<0.001),3,5 and 7 respectively,with mean BC thresholds of 35.58±17.83 dB,17.46±11.13 dB,13.61±9.02 dB and 9.01±4.17dB respectively.100% of patients had normal heå at 1,3 and 6 months. Conclusion: Drill induced noise during mastoidectomy causes temporary high frequency SNHL in the nonoperated ear due to transcranial conduction of viation

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Dr. B.V.Chandre Gowda, Dr. Amrita Suzanne Mathew Evaluation of Drill Generated Acoustic Trauma on the Non-Operated Ear Following Mastoid Surgery International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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