Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Evaluation of condylar asymmetry in different skeletal patterns in post adolescents

Dr Akshita, Dr Arun Kumar, Dr Poonam Jayaprakash, Dr Dheeraj Khetwal, Dr Pragjyoti Baruah

Abstract :

 Facial asymmetry’ refers to disproportion between two normally alike facial landmarks on the opposite sides of median sagittal plane. The aim of this study was to investigate vertical condylar asymmetry in post–adolescents with no clinical signs or symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders using panoramic radiographs. To determine the effect of sex and β angle on the condylar, ramus and condylar plus ramus asymmetry measurements. The study group consisted of 90 subjects with various skeletal patterns and was divided into 3 groups with 30 subjects each according to skeletal pattern. Condylar height, ramus height and total ramus height on both the side were measured for each subject. The vertical condylar, ramus and condylar plus ramus asymmetry index measurements were not affected by the β angle. In case of AI of C there is significant difference between Class II and class III only. Other pairs have non–significant differences.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Akshita, Dr Arun Kumar, Dr Poonam Jayaprakash, Dr Dheeraj Khetwal, Dr Pragjyoti Baruah, Evaluation of condylar asymmetry in different skeletal patterns in post adolescents, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-4 | APRIL‾2017

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