Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Evaluation of Bacterial Causative Agent of Conjunctivitis in Khartoum, Sudan

Yagoub, Hamadt Allah Elhaj Abd Elseed, Mohamed, A. Em. Ibrahim, Amani Rahamt Allah Osman, Duaa Monerr Mahmood Elmahbob, Ghozaia Abdelraheem Mohammed

Abstract :

Background: Conjunctivitis is one of the most frequently occurring hospital-acquired infections, although it is less

studied than potentially life-threatening infections, such as sepsis and pneumonia.
Objective: The aim of this study to isolate and identify the common bacterial causative agents of conjunctivitis and to determine the susceptibility of microorganism to common used antibiotics. Methods: A cross sectional study conducted in Abdalfadeel ALmath National Ophthalmic Center - Khartoum (Sudan). Fifty swabs were collected from patients attended to Abdalfadeel ALmath (Khartoum-Sudan) National
Ophthalmic Center from March to July 2011. All specimens were cultivated in blood agar and chocolate agar, and then subjected to bacteriological identification and sensitivity tests.
Antimicrobial sensitivity tests were performed by disc diffusion method. Five types of antimicrobial were used; Chloramphenicol, Ciprofloxacin, Toamycin, Tetracycline and Fusidic acid. Results: Out of fifty specimens forty five (90%) specimens showed positive growth, whereas five
(10%) specimens showed negative growth. Forty (88.9%) from positive growth specimens were appeared Staphylococcus spp and five (11.1%)
specimens were appeared Neisseria gonorrhea.
All isolated bacteria showed sensitivity to Chloramphenicol, Ciprofloxacin and Toamycin, where as they showed resistance to Tetracycline
and Fusidic acid (4%,14%) respectively. Conclusion: This study indicated that the bacterial conjunctivitis was commonly caused by staphylococcus species; also Neisseria gonorrhea was isolated from infant of mother having gonorrhea. Sensitivity tests indicated that Chloramphenicol, Ciprofloxacin, and Toamycin were more effective than other antibiotics used against isolates bacteria identified in this study

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Yagoub Hamadt Allah, Elhaj, Abd Elseed, Mohamed A.EM. Ibrahim, Amani Rahamt Allah Osman, Duaa Monerr Mahmood Elmahbob, Ghozaia Abdelraheem Mohammed Evaluation of Bacterial Causative Agent of Conjunctivitis in Khartoum, Sudan International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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