Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Evaluation of Agri Resource Potential of Georgia’s Landscapes by the Use of Mathematical Methods

Nikolaishvili Dali A. , Seperteladze Zurab Kh. , Davitaia Eter F. , Kikvadze Tariel Th. , Donadze Tsetsili I.

Abstract :

Method have been developed to determine agri resource potential of the territory on the bases of weighted metrics introduced in the factors’ space and the relevance of using this method by this point of view is established. On the bases of the closeness value to the etalon-object are identified territorial distribution of the agri resource potential of Georgia and also different altitudes, landscapes and administrative units with maximum potential are determined. On the bases of a large amount of data processing and systematization also is created a DB of agri resource potential for Georgia’s territory and a series of thematic maps. Data processing and visualization was implemented through GIS technologies.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Nikolaishvili Dali A., Seperteladze Zurab Kh., Davitaia Eter F., Kikvadze Tariel Th., Donadze Tsetsili I. Evaluation of Agri Resource Potential of Georgia’s Landscapes by the Use of Mathematical Methods International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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