Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Evaluation of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Age Group

Dr. Jagruti Brahmbhatt, Dr. Y. J. Vasavada, Dr. Krutik Brahmbhatt

Abstract :

Background One third of all gynecological consultations are because of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).This proportion rises to more than two third when perimenopausal women are considered. This study attempts to analyze place of different diagnostic modalities available in the evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding in terms of accuracy of finding. Aims and objectives This study aims to analyze and compare three different diagnostic modalities (ultrasound, dilatation and curettage (D&C) and hysteroscopy) in evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding. Material and methods: A total of 80 women between age group 35-50 years with h/o abnormal uterine bleeding were selected randomly and underwent ultrasonography as a office procedure. Out of which, cohort of 45 patients were further evaluated with dilatation and curettage followed by diagnostic hysteroscopy. Findings were compared and analysis was done. Results Commonest bleeding pattern came across was menorrhagia (40%). Detection rate of organic pelvic pathologies were 44.4% and 64.5% with ultrasonography and hysteroscopy respectively. Most common organic lesion found was fioid (20%) followed by adenomyosis (13%). On dilatation and curettage, most common histopathological pattern found was proliferative endometrium (55%) followed by secretory in 15.5% of cases. Misplaced intrauterine device was found with hysteroscopy in two of our patients. Conclusion: Diagnostic hysteroscopy together with dilatation and curettage and pelvic ultrasonography can establish an accurate diagnosis in majority of patients of abnormal uterine bleeding. None of the technique can replace the other but all three are complementary to each other.

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Dr.Jagruti Brahmbhatt, Dr.Y.J.Vasavada, Dr.Krutik Brahmbhatt Evaluation of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Age Group International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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