Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Evaluate the Incidence of bedsores in immobilized patients with intensive care units

Ms. Savita Pohekar

Abstract :

 Background: this study aims to assess bedsore prevention knowledge among nurses and to determine factors

on which levels of their knowledge depends in selected hospitals of Wardha district. Objectives: 1) To assess the
existing bedsore among immobilized patients.2)To assess the impact of training programme on nurses practices regarding prevention of
bedsore among immobilized patients. Materials & methods: A experimental study, the observation checklist has been used. ?e tool to use
before and immediately after the implementation of the program as well as one month later to evaluate the impact of the training program on
Nurses practice. ?e Application of Braden scale for identification of patients at risk & a demographics questionnaire Results: In this study,
majority of the patients (60%) belongs to age group of above 50 years. 76.7% of the patients were male, 70% of subjects were residing in urban
area, 76.7% of patients were hindu .50% patients were mixed vegetarian.13.33% patients diagnosis were Subdural Haemorrhage, ICB, CVA,
Ulcerative Collitis, Pancreatitis. Assessment of existing bedsore incidence among immobilized patients, 24(80%) of the immobilized
patients were at high risk, 20% were at moderate risk and none were at low risk. ?e minimum bedsore of the immobilized patients was 6 and
maximum was 15 and mean bedsore was 9.30 ± 2.08. It is statistically interpreted that structured teaching module on prevention of bedsore
among immobilized patients was no effective. ?e Impact of training programme on nurse‘s practices regarding prevention of bedsore. is the
tabulated value for n=30 i.e 29 degrees of freedom was 2.31. ?e calculated‘t‘ value are much higher than the tabulated value at 5% level of
significance for before and after training bedsore which is statistically acceptable level of significance. Hence it is statistically interpreted that
structured teaching module on prevention of bedsore among immobilized patients was effective. ?us the alternative hypothesis H1 is
accepted. ?e result shows structured teaching module on prevention of bedsore among immobilized patients was effective..

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Ms.Savita Pohekar, Evaluate the Incidence of bedsores in immobilized patients with intensive care units, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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