Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Etiological Risk factors , Psycho pathological symptoms and Sleep disturbances in Hyperactive and Hypoactive Delirium– An Original Research

Dr. Raheel Mushtaq, Dr. Sheikh Shoib, Tabindah Shah, Rajesh Kumar Chandel, Mohammad Maqbool Dar, Sahil Mushtaq

Abstract :

Background: Delirium is an etiologically non-specific syndrome, characterised by disturbance in cognition with fluctuation consciousness. The interrelationship of delirium and their Attributable risk factors with psychopathological factors have been studied in west. However no comprehensive study has been published from this part of world. Aims and objectives: To assess Attributable risk factors and psychopathological factors in hyperactive and hypoactive delirium. Material and methods: 40 DSM IV TR cases of Delirium including Hypoactive and Hyperactive Delirium and 40 other patients (including psychiatric patients) were studied as controls. Checklist of etiological factors (CLEF), which was specifically designed for the study were administered to the patients and Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale were administered to each patient. Categorical parameters were evaluated by means of chi square and Fischer’s test as applicable Results: The mean age of study and control group was 27.85 and 33.10 respectively. 70% patients had hyperactive delirium while 30% was having hypoactive delirium. Pattern of attributing factors appear to be quiet different in both the groups. Impaired liver function test (89%) and ICU environment (58%) were the main attributing factors in hyperactive and hypoactive delirium respectively. Out of 40 controls there were 31 were psychiatric patients. Psychotic symptoms were the majority (30%). formed the bulk. Delusions were found more in the control group ( 60% vs. 35% ). Study group had more illusions (33% vs 10%) Visual hallucination 75% vs. 63% and auditory hallucinations (83% vs 57%). w Delirium with psychosis had more cognitive impairment in comparison to delirium without psychosis.(p<0.001). Conclusion: Hyperactive and hypoactive delirium appears to be two distinct subtypes with different pattern of psychopathology and attributable risk factors.

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Dr. Raheel Mushtaq, Dr. Sheikh Shoib, Tabindah Shah, Rajesh Kumar Chandel, Mohammad Maqbool Dar, Sahil Mushtaq Etiological Risk factors , Psycho pathological symptoms and Sleep disturbances in Hyperactive and Hypoactive Delirium- An Original Research International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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