Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Ethyl Methanesulphonate (Ems), A Potent Chemical Mutagen: A Review

Shahnawaz Khursheed, Samiullah Khan

Abstract :

World food insecurity is posing a great threat to the human civilization now–a– days. Scientists are busy worldwide to find out workable solutions for combating food insecurity. Different methods are applied worldwide to improve the yield of plants. Out of these, mutation eeding plays an important role to improve the yield and to ameliorate food insecurity which is spreading worldwide. In mutation eeding, both physical and chemical mutagens are applied. The main chemical mutagens are methyl methanesulphonate (MMS), ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), diethyl sulphate (DES) and sodium azide (SA). EMS is ranked after MMS as a potent chemical mutagen to induce the genetic variability to improve the useful characters in plants. EMS has been used from past to improve the yield characters in plants. In future, it is an important tool and hope to reduce the food insecurity of world’s growing population.

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Shahnawaz khursheed, Samiullah khan Ethyl Methanesulphonate (Ems), A Potent Chemical Mutagen: A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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