Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Estimation Risk of X–Ray Machines From Medical Procedures

Syed Abbas Hosseini

Abstract :

The purpose of the paper was to determine estimation of risk dose from x-ray machines due to medical procedures from radiography examinations in the diagnosis radiology. The radiation from x-ray machine was measured, when diagnostic techniques of head - neck, chest, cereal, abdominal part of stomach were acted. The patient data and characteristics of radiography techniques in radiological department were provided. Average genetically significant dose (GSD) and annual effective dose (AED) for persons in south-east of Iran were 4.6±0.1mSv/y and 3.07±0.3mGy/y respectively. Genetically significant dose (GSD) and annual effective dose (AED) in south-east in Iran were variable in comparison to Western and European countries and did not cause risk for patient. X-ray machines were needed surveillance permanently.

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Syed Abbas Hosseini Estimation Risk of X-Ray Machines From Medical Procedures International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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