Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018


Dr. Silky Singla, Dr. Tejinder Kaur, Dr. Inderpal Kaur, Dr. S. K. Malhotra

Abstract :

Background:  Vitiligo is an acquired or hereditary, usually progressive disorder of pigmentation which occurs due to loss of epidermal melanocytes.   The mean value of serum vitamin D3   was significantly lower in vitiligo cases than controls.

Aims and Objectives:  We carried out this controlled cross– sectional study to   evaluate serum vitamin D3 levels in cases of vitiligo and to find the correlation between serum vitamin D3 levels with duration and severity of vitiligo.

Materials and Methods: For this study, 75 clinically and histopathologically diagnosed patients of vitiligo of either sex with age group between 12–60 years were enrolled and 75 patients with minor ailments like superficial bacterial, fungal or viral infections and not suffering from vitiligo were taken as controls.  Salient presentations were recorded in a pre–set proforma. Serum 25–hydroxyvitamin D levels were determined through Sandwich–ELISA technique.

Observations: The mean value of serum vitamin D3 in cases and controls was 24.0748±3.795 ng/ml and 38.170±9.541ng/ml respectively. The p value was <.001, therefore highly significant.  Serum vitamin D3 level had no significant relation with BSA involved in vitiligo (p value 0.942), VASI score in vitiligo (p value 0.738),VIDA score of vitiligo (p value 0.518),duration of vitiligo (p value 0.942).


Conclusion: The data suggests the mean value of serum vitamin D3  was  significantly lower in cases as compared to controls.  Serum vitamin D3 level had no significant relation with BSA involved in vitiligo ,VASI score, VIDA score ,duration of vitiligo.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DR. Silky Singla, Dr. Tejinder Kaur, Dr. Inderpal Kaur, Dr. S.K. Malhotra, ESTIMATION OF LEVELS OF SERUM VITAMIN D3 IN VITILIGO, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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