Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Estimation of Fish Catch Supply Function of Fishing Community in Allahabad (U.P)

Anil Kumar Singh , S. P. Singh, M. C. Dwivedi, Chandan Kumar, Alka Guddi

Abstract :

This paper dealt with estimation of catch fish supply function of fishing community in Allahabad. Fish supply means the quantity of fish or services offered by fisherman for sale at different uint prices in given market at point of time. It is willingness of the supplier to offer the fish for sale at different unit prices. The fish supply function for important fish species viz. Rohu, Tengra, Chelwa and Backery were estimated using liner as well as cob. Douglas type of functional forms. The supply function model is proposed to be developed to understand the responsiveness of explanatory factor on the quantity of fish supply in the market. The supply function was specified and estimated for overall fish delivery in the market and also separately for Rohu, Tengra, Chelwa, and Backery. The estimate model will provide, the estimates of supply elasticity. When the price of Rohu will increase by 1 per cent, the quantity of Rohu supplied in the market will increase by 4 percent. When the average price of fish will increase by 1 percent, the quantity of fish supplied in the market will increase by 3.55 per cent.

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Anil Kumar Singh , S.P. Singh, M. C. Dwivedi, Chandan Kumar, Alka Guddi Estimation of Fish Catch Supply Function of Fishing Community in Allahabad (U.P) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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