Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Establishment of Local Diagnostic Reference Level for Brain CT Procedures

Abdelrahman. M. Elnour, , Mohamed Yousef, Abdelmoneim Sulieman

Abstract :

Computed Tomography (CT) is a valuable medical imaging technique for the diagnosis of wide range of diseases. Due to development of powerful CT machines, new clinical applications are continue to emerge in medical fields. Study was performed to evaluate dose to critical organ for patient undergoing CT ain in modern medical center. A total of 244 patients (98 female and 146 males) were examined in this study. The data collected from 16 radiology department in Khartoum state. The patients were examined with the own department protocol using multislice CT (MSCT) dual slice, 16 and 64 CT slice from different manufacturers. The range of patient dose per CT procedure was 958.6 mGy.cm to 1686.91 mGy.cm. Diagnostic reference level (DRL) was proposed for ain CT procedures. Patient doses showed wide variation due to patient clinical indication, CT system modality and image acquisition parameters

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Abdelrahman. M.Elnour,, Mohamed Yousef,Abdelmoneim Sulieman Establishment of Local Diagnostic Reference Level For Brain Ct Procedures International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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