Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Episodic Stress Management Among Employees of Post Office in Bikaner District

Dr. Aditya Sharma, Mrs. Chhaya Parihar

Abstract :

Episodic stress is a stress which affects those who suffer from Acute stress frequently. People that suffer from this tend to always be in a rush. They take too much on and can’t organize themselves to deal with the demands and pressures. Episodic Acute stress affects interpersonal skills and can make sufferers hostile towards others causing rapid deterioration of relationships especially in the workplace. This paper unearth episodic stress management among employees of post office in Bikaner district. Sample size taken was 100 employees and Chi square test was used to analyze the data.

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Dr. Aditya Sharma, Mrs. Chhaya Parihar Episodic Stress Management Among Employees of Post Office in Bikaner District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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