Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Epidermoid Cyst of Breast –A Case Report

Dr. Payal Gandhi, Dr. Shilpa Patankar, Dr. Mrunal Ketkar, Dr Sudhir Kothari

Abstract :

Epidermoid cysts are common benign disorders of the skin,which occur frequently in the scalp and in the skin of the neck and back . When they develop in the east parenchyma they are an uncommon benign condition, yet have the potential for malignancy.The diagnosis of this condition may not be straightforward with imaging alone. An epidermoid cyst presenting as an enlarging lump in the east may mimic a benign east lesion such as fioadenoma or malignant lesion with benign imaging features. Excision is recommended for definite histopathological diagnosis and to prevent potential risk of malignant transformation.

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Dr. Payal Gandhi, Dr. Shilpa Patankar, Dr. Mrunal Ketkar, Dr Sudhir Kothari Epidermoid Cyst of Breast -A Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 8 August 2013

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