Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Epidemiological Study of Refractive Errors In School Going Children

Dr. Fatema Hathiyari, Dr. Mariam Mansuri, Dr. Himali Patel

Abstract :

PURPOSE: To study prevalence & distribution of refractive errors in school going children from 8 years to 16 years . METHODS:A cross sectional study was done.1957 children of 8 years to 16 years from 3 schools of Nirnaynagar area, Ahmedabad were examined. 1957 children were divided in 3 groups according to age .Group 1 -8 to 10 years of age, Group 2 -11 to 13 years of age, Group 3- 14 to 16 years of age. RESULT:In our study prevalence of refractive error was 31.07%. 18.28% in group 1, 35.30% in group 2 and 38.43% in group 3. Prevalence of refractive error amongfemales(33.54%) and in males(29.38%).Prevalence ofsimple myopia(21.62%) was higher among all refractive error Second was astigmatism(8.79%) and third was hypermetropia (0.65%). CONCLUSION:Prevalence of refractive error increases withage, higher in female ..Prevalence ofsimple myopia(21.62%) was higher probably due to intense near work like reading,watching television,working on computer.

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Dr. Fatema Hathiyari, Dr.Mariam Mansuri, Dr.Himali Patel Epidemiological Study of Refractive Errors In School Going Children International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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