Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Epidemiological Profile of Cases of Ent Foreign Bodies Seen at a Tertiary Hospital Emergency Unit

Pranay Gandhi, Sunita Sharma, Prateek Gandhi, Rahul Salve

Abstract :

Early detection and treatment of foreign bodies is required to prevent complications.Objective: to study the epidemiological profile of patients of ent foreign bodies at tertiary hospital emergency care unit.Methodology: a cross sectional retrospective historical cohort study was carried out from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013.Results: FB accounted for 625 cases and 9.3% of all patients seen in the ent emergency unit. Children were affected more frequently, particularly when aged 8 and under. Foreign bodies were mostly located in the ears (64.4%), followed by the nasal fossae (19.5%), and the oropharynx (8.9%). Complications were seen in 4.5% of the cases, and 4.4% required general anesthesia. Conclusion: Foreign bodies were more commonly seen in children and in ears. Complication  rates and use of general anesthesia were low.

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Pranay Gandhi, Sunita Sharma, Prateek Gandhi, Rahul Salve Epidemiological Profile of Cases of Ent Foreign Bodies Seen at a Tertiary Hospital Emergency Unit International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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