Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Epidemic of inhalational organophosphorus poisoning in Yavatmal, Maharashtra

Pashu S. Shaikh

Abstract :


Background:    Inhalational  organo–phosphorus  (OP)  compound  poisoning  is  rare  and  less likely  to  be  sever.  But  sudden  increase  in  inhalational  OP  poisoning  upto  570  cases  and 13  deaths  attracted  the  attention  of  whole  nation.  Randomized,  retrospective, observational  study  was  carried  out  to  find  the  cause  of  this  epidemic.

Methods:  Thorough  study  of   the  case  papers  of  inhalational  OP  poisoning  patients  from record  section  of  S.V.N.GMC. Yavatmal   was  done. Complete  data  was  collected  and interpreted.  Analysis  of  data  was  done  on  five  points,  i.e.  sprayer’s   bio–data,  insecticide used,  spray pump,  seed /crop  condition  and  treatment  received.

Results:  Data  collected  from  July  2017  to  December  2017.  Maximum  number  of  cases       ( 293 ) were  admitted  in  September  2017.  Total  570  cases  were  admitted  and  13  patients  were died  even  after  full  intensive  care.  Mean  age  of  the  patients  was  36.67  years.  Majority of  them  were  professional  sprayers  but  have  not  taken  any  pre,  intra  and  post procedural  precautions. Endosulfan was most commonly used as insecticide.  Almost  all  sprayers  used  battery/diesel  operated  pumps.  Cotton crop  height  was  more  than  the  height  of  sprayer. Treatment  received  in  the  form  of  inj. Atropine  and  inj.  Pralidoxime  as  per  the  need  of  patients.

Conclusion:  Spraying  precautions,  battery/diesel  operated  pumps,  insecticides  used  were the  factors  responsible  for  this  epidemic  and  all  factors  are  preventable.  All  factors should  be  modified  to  prevent  the  epidemic  of   the coming  crop  year  2018.     

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Pashu S.Shaikh, Epidemic of inhalational organophosphorus poisoning in Yavatmal, Maharashtra, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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