Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Environmental Impact Assessment: An over View of Theory and Policy Framework in Ethiopia

Mushir Ali

Abstract :

The different sectors of the economies in the world, particularly developing economies are under transition phases from one to another or within the sector, mainly industrial and agricultural sectors. To fulfill the different needs of commodities, food, and employment as well as help to improve the health and education. However, the consequences of the development have led to an undesirable impact on the local environment which has been more injurious than the benefit. In the view of deteriorating environmental conditions its adverse impact on the bio–physical and social–economic environment. The present work is an attempt to overview of Environmental Impact Assessment regarding theoretical, planning and policy level in Ethiopia where various development activities are existed/under the plans.

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Mushir Ali Environmental Impact Assessment: An over View of Theory and Policy Framework in Ethiopia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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