Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Environmental Ethics in Corporate World: Some Issues

Dr. Shivanand. S. Hungund

Abstract :

Theses days, protection of environment has become a key issue all over the world. Though swift industrialization is an essential pre–requisite for overall economic growth, yet it is damaging the environment drastically, water pollution, air pollution, solid and toxic waste pollution and other environmental contamination are common in many production processes. The inspiration for environmental ethics was the first Earth Day in 1970, when environmentalists started urging philosophers who were involved with environment groups to do something about environmental ethics. Environmental ethics is a subject without definition and without consensus. And yet, every person on this planet makes everyday decisions that relate to environmental ethics. Questions as simple as “what should I eat?” or “How should I move from place to place?” all raise environmental and ethical issues. Environmental ethics is very recent as an academic discipline and there is much to studied an acted upon. The need for an environmental ethics is, however, critical. Recognizing that environmental ethic alone is not enough; we must all live the environmental ethical way

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Dr.shivanand. S. Hungund Environmental Ethics in Corporate World: Some Issues International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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