Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Environmental and Health Impact of Mining on Surrounding Communities

Dr. Chinnaiah

Abstract :

To achieve rapid economic development, many countries resort to various activities to exploit natural resources. One of such activities is mining. Consequently, mining is an important economic activity which has the potential of contributing to the development of areas endowed with the resource. The main minerals produced by large–scale companies are gold, diamond, bauxite and manganese, while industrial minerals such as kaolin, limestone, silica and sand are mainly produced by small–scale operators (Aryee, 2001). While foreigners are the main owners of the large mining companies,Mining activities are associated with lots of environmental and health problems these originate from the methods of mining and processes involved ore extraction. The environmental effects of both surface and underground mining as well as methods of ore extraction it also looks at the associated health effects on residents within the communities. Some activities by Company Limited at intervening in the negative environmental and health effects are also assessed.Mining is viewed as one of the important economic activities which have the potential of contributing to the development of economies. At the same time, the environmental and health impacts of mining on surrounding communities have been major concerns to governments, the general public and stakeholder organizations and individuals. Whiles the contributions of mining activities to economic development of well acknowledged, others contend that the gains from the mining sector to the economy are achieved at significant environmental, health and social costs to the country

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Dr.Chinnaiah Environmental and Health Impact of Mining on SurroundingCommunities International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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