Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

ENTREPRENURSHIP IN MICRO INDUSTRIES (with special reference to Kerala state, India)

Jayan V. K

Abstract :

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in any industrial development. Micro, small and medium industries are considered as the engine of growth of an economy because it can create a lot of job opportunities and also provide raw materials to large industries. Recognizing the importance of small and medium enterprises in the growth of Indian economy, both the central and state governments undertake several measures for the development of these enterprises. These Entrepreneur development programmes aim to create new entrepreneurs by cultivating entrepreneurship qualities in them and enlightening them on various aspects which is necessary for the development of new enterprises. But still there is problem with the entrepreneurship of micro industries. The success rate of these industries showed a decline trend, even though they are managed by trained entrepreneurs. The new entrepreneurs face difficulties in availing full benefits from the government and also unable to comply with the formalities of financial institutions. The researcher has taken this topic to identify the factors that motivate the people to become an entrepreneur, and also to identify the factors that contributing to the success of entrepreneurs and to identify the relationship between industry related factors and success of entrepreneurs. The researcher has been selected 150 respondents from the state of Kerala by convenience sampling method. The Percentage analysis, weighted average rank analysis and Chi–square statistical method are used for the study.

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Jayan V.K /ENTREPRENURSHIP IN MICRO INDUSTRIES (with special reference to Kerala state, India) /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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