Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Enhancing English Pronunciation Among B.Ed., Trainees by Implementing Selected Strategies

Ms S. Gowrie, Dr. Ar. Saravanakumar, Dr. S. Subbiah

Abstract :

In this article we have dealt with the concept of enhancing English pronunciation of B.Ed., optional I teacher trainees by implementing the selected strategies for pronunciation namely Segmentation and Blending, Pronunciation Drills and Audio Assistance. The non native speakers of English find English pronunciation very difficult as they do not receive any systematic pronunciation training from the basics. With proper guidance in articulation and drill and practice in English sounds through the selected strategies, we can enhance the learners’ pronunciation. Pronunciation strategies are very useful in giving training and drill and practice. Along with the development in pronunciation learners acquire good reading skills, thinking power, correct spelling, vocabulary and interest to use English language. As these are learner centered the students use these activities freely without any fear or hesitation. These strategies can be used frequently in the English class rooms to motivate the learners to pronounce well.

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MS S.Gowrie, Dr.AR.Saravanakumar, Dr.S.Subbiah Enhancing English Pronunciation Among B.Ed., Trainees by Implementing Selected Strategies International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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