Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Endodontic Management of a Bilaterally Fused Mandibular Second Premolar with Parapremolar –a Case Report

Dr Venugopal Thangala, Dr. Sunita Shivanand

Abstract :

Developmental anomalies are commonly seen in primary than in permanent dentition, which includes fusion, germination, talon’s cusp and supernumerary teeth, etc. Any one of these can occur in an oral cavity along with normal complement of teeth, but occasionally two or more of these anomalies can be seen together. Usually these disturbances are unilateral in nature than bilateral, affects anterior teeth than posteriors. This is one of the unique case of non surgical endodontic management of mandibular second premolar fused with parapremolar with bilateral presentation.

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Dr Venugopal Thangala, Dr. Sunita Shivanand Endodontic Management of a Bilaterally Fused Mandibular Second Premolar with Parapremolar –a Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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