Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Elson Kurian

Abstract :

 With the onset of cloud computing, data holders are inspired to deploy their miscellaneous data management systems to the commercial public cloud for extreme flexibility and utility. Sensitive data have to be encrypted before outsourcing, in–order to assure data privacy. ?is obscures traditional data usage based on plain–text keyword search. ?is makes it essential to provide a service to search encrypted cloud data. Plaintext key word is replaced by multiple keywords; consider the huge amount of data holders and documents in the cloud. In this paper, the asserting problem of searching encrypted cloud data using ranked multi–keyword (MRSE) is defined and solved. Out of distinct multi–keyword semantics, the adequate similarity measuring of “coordinates matching” and “inner product similarity, i.e., possibilities of many matches for capture the documents from query search perceptible evaluations for similarity measures. Adopting the basic idea for the MRSE based on secure inner product computation and archive privacy requirements in two distant thread models. To assure the searching reality of the data searching service, this proposal supports more and more search semantics. Experiments based on the realworld data further showing an indeed advent of low overhead on computation and communication.

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ELSON KURIAN ENCRYPTED CLOUD DATA USAGE FOR SEARCHING OF RANKED MULTI-KEYWORD International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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