Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Empowerment of Women Entrepreneur Through Self Help Groups

S. Manjula Devi

Abstract :

In the beginning stage, women wanted to get employment by using their professional skills. But, the population explosion has limited the employment opportunities for all women. So, women have diversified their thoughts and they have become instead of employment seekers, employment providers, they concentrate on business activities. Especially, the women Self Help Groups (SHGs) concentrate on multifarious business activities. In the recent years, there has been a trend to consider the creation of networks among women in the form of entrepreneurs/SHG as on important feature to improve the conditions of rural women and enhance their development. With a view to analyse the empowerment of women entrepreneur through Self Help Groups, the researcher has made an attempt to study this area. For the purpose of this study, primary and secondary data collected and analysis made to findout socio-economic characteristics of women SHGs members in Tirunelveli district and examines reasons for joining in SHG and the factors influencing the women empowerment. The study found SHGs performing well but faces many problems and providing suggestions and recommendations for improvement. To conclude that the government must take necessary steps to improve their conditions through proper training and contribute for their development/empowerment and for the progress of the district, state and nation.

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S. MANJULA DEVI Empowerment of Women Entrepreneur Through Self Help Groups International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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