Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Empowerment of Dalits through Vocational Education and Training

D. K. Parmar, Dr. S. K. Dave, Dr. A. K. Jain

Abstract :

Human resources are an essential means for achieving economic and social development goals of a nation. Capacity building of human competencies is very important in HRD processes. Capacity–building strategies through education are a critical element of community and individual empowerment. Dalits till today face an overabundance of problems in India. One possible way of improving the situation of Dalits is through economic empowerment. This could be possible through various ways; one reliable method is vocational education and training. In India, the youth either achieve higher academic education or compelled to leave school at an early stage of education and added to the masses of unskilled workers. Only few of this small number of people selects an option between these two boundaries and joins a vocational education institution. Only 5% of the Indian labour force in the 20–24 age group receives formal vocational training; this rate is very less compared with developing countries. In industrialized countries, this indicator ranges between 60 and 90% (Singapore, UK, South Koriya). In the present scenario in India most of workers continue to learn trades on the job from Context often “low–literate and low–skilled ability people”. Because of this system in India they adds to masses of lower qualified people and many overqualified professionals whose knowledge is of little utility in the market. Well qualified practitioners are missing. The government of India also recognized this problem and tried to focus more on vocational education and training since the late 1970’s. However, progress is slow. This paper is based on information/data provided by Five Year plan documents, Reports of Government committees/commissions, organizational surveys and individual researches.

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D.K.Parmar, Dr. S.K.Dave, Dr. A.K.Jain Empowerment of Dalits through Vocational Education and Training International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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