Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Empowering Nurses through Advanced Technology : Analysis

Mrs Sivapriya S, Mrs Aruna K R

Abstract :

 There is hardly a treatment intervention or health programme in which nurses or midwives do not play a part. Technological development and use

must always be patient centred, clinically owned and led, and aligned with local systems and aspirations. As the primary users of health informatics
and technologies, nurses must begin to play a leading role in driving forward this agenda.
1. To assess the accessibility of advanced technologies for nurses
2. To explore opinion of clinical nurses, nurse educators, nurse administrators, medical practioners and patients regarding empowering nurses
with advanced technology.
3. To compare opinion of clinical nurses, nurse educators, nurse administrators, medical practioners and patients regarding empowering nurses
with advanced technology
Materials & Methods Observational descriptive study : Cross sectional method
a. Various wards of a tertiary level Study Setting: hospital, Lucknow
b. Study Population : Clinical nurses, nurse educators, nurse administrators, doctors and patients of a tertiary level hospital, Lucknow .
Results – Most of the participants have exposure to SPO2 monitor, cardiac monitors, IV infusion pumps, ventilators, CPAP machines . they are not
familiar with biometrics, real time locating systems etc.,
All the participants agreed that emerging technologies can empower nurses and influence the outcome of care

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Mrs Sivapriya S, Mrs Aruna K R, Empowering Nurses through Advanced Technology : Analysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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