Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Empirical Learning in Community Medicine through Narrative Based Reasoning

Ankur Joshi, J. S. Meena, Saket Kale, Sanjay Agarawal, M. Mishra

Abstract :

Introduction: The long established classroom teaching learning practices in Community Medicine may not provide context to students being dissociated from Community. This study explores whether incorporation of narratives to understand dimension and determinants of heath add to the perspective. Type of study: Educational trial with qualitative exploration of students’ perception. Setting: Tertiary teaching hospital of central India. Result: This study detected a significant difference in the scores among narrative exposed and lecture exposed group utilizing descriptive question as an evaluation tool while difference in scores was not significant on using MCQs as evaluation modality. Although Students perceived narratives as a tool for active learning that helps them to assimilate the context of learning, they were uncertain about the extent to transform it into performance in examination. Conclusion: Integration of patients’ narratives with traditional teaching modalities may construct the knowledge by promoting dynamic wisdom acquired through exposure to illness journey in community

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ankur Joshi, J. S. Meena, Saket Kale, Sanjay Agarawal, Dr M Mishra / Empirical Learning in Community Medicine through Narrative Based Reasoning / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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