Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Emotional Maturity ofFirst Generation and Non First Generation College Students

Lakshmi. M, Dr. Santhanam. T

Abstract :

Every day our life is tinged with feelings and emotions. Happiness and sad, excitement and disappointment, love and conflict, fear and surprise, hope and frustration all these and many more are feelings we often experience in the course of a day. They add life to our living. Whenever our emotions are too intense and too easily aroused they can easily get us in to trouble. The present study was done to know the emotional maturity of first generation and non first generation first year college students. The samples were college students (25 first generation students and 25 non first generation students) who were randomly selected. Dr.Yashvir Singh and Dr. Mahen Bhargava emotional maturity scale was used to collect the data. Results revealed that there were significant difference between first generation and non first generation in different aspects of emotional maturity( emotional unstability, emotional regression,social maladjustment, personality disintegration and lack of independence).

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Lakshmi.M, Dr.Santhanam.T Emotional Maturity of First Generation and Non First Generation College Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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