Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


P B Vaneetha

Abstract :

 The Indian woman of today is no longer reconciled to her traditional role as a mere housewife, a mother or a daughter. They are now fiercely ambitious and are proving themselves not only on the home front, but also in their respective careers, education and in the society. Though the women are efficient multitaskers and posses impressive skills, they have to struggle physically, intellectually and emotionally to fulfill various needs and activities. Many working women aren’t prepared to anticipate or handle the difficult challenges that are part of being working women. Each stage of working women– joining the job, marriage, prepå for the family way, raising children, taking care of elders at home ings in new set of difficulties and challenges. Many working women are surprised by the intensity of their emotions, bouts of frustrations & anger. If women is going to let her emotions get better of her, it will have a crushing impact on herself, people around her as well as on the organization. She should remember that she wield enough power in her hands to ing in lots of changes as emotions can be managed and dealt with effectively

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P B VANEETHA EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENGE AND WOMEN IN MAHABHARATHA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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