Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Emotional Intelligence– An Essential Business skill

Manjit Kaur

Abstract :

 Intelligent quotient is all the more important in business. But today, when one has to face ever changing business environment, it is not enough for success. One needs to be intelligent in understanding persons he/she comes in contact with. Ability to understand others’ views, beliefs, emotions is emotional intelligent. Emotional intelligence can be practiced, developed and improved. EQ can be improved through a process of self awareness, self management and social awareness which may start with self assessment. Persons with introvert orientation i.e. having spiritual inclination are generally emotionally intelligent. They are empathetically good and thus have a strong intuition power. In business, human behavior is of utmost importance and so is the emotional intelligence. This paper is aimed at describing the meaning and importance of EI in business and is based on secondary sources of information.

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MANJIT KAUR Emotional Intelligence- an Essential Business Skill International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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