Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Emotional Intelligence of Teachers Teaching At Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools

Dr. Sudarshan Mishra, Jakir Hussain Laskar

Abstract :

This study underscores the relevance of Emotional Intelligence of Teachers Teaching at Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools in relation to Gender, Experiences and Qualification variations. A standardized tool was used for assessing emotional intelligence of 120 teachers both Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools teachers of Hailakandi district of Barrack Valley, Southern Assam. The result showed that Emotional Intelligence of teachers are not normally distributed; 50% teachers of the study are having poor Emotional Intelligence. Gender, Experiences and Qualification variation wise no differences found. But Designation wise variation is present.

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Dr. Sudarshan Mishra, Jakir Hussain Laskar / Emotional Intelligence of Teachers Teaching At Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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