Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Emerging new Trend on Venture Capital Business

T. Mohan, M. Renuka Devi

Abstract :

It is difficult to pick up a major business publication today without reading about venture capitalists (VCs, defined

as professionally-managed VC limited partnerships that invest in early-stage ventures), about their skills in finding
great investment opportunities, and about the ventures they fund. And lately in states like Minnesota, it is also about how they can create jobs
if the governor would speak favorably about the need for VC and offer some state pension money for them to invest. And since we all like to talk
about our successes, the stories are about how entrepreneurs secured VC and soared to wealth in a very short time via an IPO or a strategic
sale. This can lead other entrepreneurs to think that this is the only model for success, that there is no other way to build a major company,
and that they should write business plans, attend VC conferences, seek VC, and give VCs control of their venture.

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T. Mohan, M. Renuka Devi Emerging new Trend on Venture Capital Business International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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