Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014


Stroe Ioan

Abstract :

Within mechanical transmissions, clutches fulfil the function of transmitting the rotational movement from the shaft of a driving element to the shaft of a driven element. However, clutches can fulfil other functions necessary for the good operation of the transmission. From a constructive point of view, clutches can be simple or combined. This paper presents a simple mechanical clutch that is able to fulfil the properties of a mixed one. This new type of clutch represents an optimal solution from the constructive and functional point of view. The design of the clutch allows the combination of the functions of elastic and safety clutches. The clutch’s intermediate element between the semi-clutches is the elastic dowel. The paper presents the assembly drawing and the calculus schemes used for the analytical modeling of the torque, which the clutch can transmit.

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Stroe Ioan Elastic and Safety Clutch With Axially Distributed Elastic Dowels International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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