Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Egg laying sites of Aedes aegypti and their elimination as the crucial etiological intervention to prevent dengue transmission in Western Rajasthan, India.

Dr. Vinod Joshi, Dr. Annette Angel, Dr. Bennet Angel, Dr. Kiran Kucheria

Abstract :

Development of effective intervention points to check dengue transmission in a disease endemic area forms the key components of a successful disease control programme. Many outeaks of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever have been reported from desert parts of Rajasthan. Present paper reports the results of an investigation of a recent outeak in Jasole town of Barmer district, Rajasthan. The investigations revealed that while no domestic eeding of the Aedes vectors was observed, some base cum stand over which the earthen vessels (matka) are kept were observed to have eggs of Aedes adhered to it. Since these bases or stands remain unobserved during the treatment programme, they may serve as crucial micro niches for occurrence of the subsequent continuation of disease. Present paper aims to highlight such ‘microhabitats’ as key sites which need to be examined and included during the control operations for an effective intervention into an ongoing outeak.

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Dr. Vinod Joshi, Dr. Annette Angel, Dr. Bennet Angel, Dr. Kiran Kucheria Egg laying sites of Aedes aegypti and their elimination as the crucial etiological intervention to prevent dengue transmission in Western Rajasthan, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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