Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Efficiency Enhancement of Electrical Inverter

Dr. Lakhwinder Pal Singh

Abstract :

Inverter converts DC power into the AC power. A sine wave with 120 degree per phase total 3 phase system are used in transmission power grid. So the equipment directly converts DC power in to AC power with minimum loss. This machine is very useful in Renewable energy source nonconventional power generation by solar technology (P.V cells). In this system Power generation is directly in DC power form low voltage and low current. It is not suitable for grid connection. Currently we use Electronics Invertors and it is used in bank form for high voltage and high current alternate frailer and need to repair and component replace. But we have permanent solution by Electro-Mechanical inverters. It is high efficient, low maintenance easy to installation long life cycle. 100% power transfer on grid viability with minimum loss. Any amount of DC power converts to pure AC sine wave best quality power for on line grid connection.

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Dr. Lakhwinder Pal Singh Efficiency Enhancement of Electrical Inverter International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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