Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Efficacy Study: Quinine Plus Doxycycline Vs. Quinine Plus Clindamycin Vs. Artemisinin Combination Therapy in the Cases of Severe P.faciparum Malaria At Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. Priyank Mody, Dr. Suraj Khandhedia, Dr. Sohamkumar Gohil, Dr. P. V. Makwana

Abstract :

Malaria is one of the major public health problems of the country. The emergence of resistance to standard antimalarial drugs by Plasmodium falciparum represents a major public health threat. The main aim of study is to determine therapeutic efficacy between a different regimens (Quinine plus Doxycycline & Quinine plus Clindamycin & Artemisinin combination therapy) in management of patients with severe P.Falciparum Malaria at Guru Govindsingh Hospital, Jamnagar (saurashtra region, Gujarat) and to find out the treatment outcome that will guide in choosing the right treatment regimen , helping to reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with severe P.Falciparum Malaria.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Priyank Mody, Dr. Suraj Khandhedia, Dr. Sohamkumar Gohil, Dr. P.V.Makwana Efficacy Study: Quinine Plus Doxycycline Vs. Quinine Plus Clindamycin Vs. Artemisinin Combination Therapy in the Cases of Severe P.faciparum Malaria At Tertiary Care Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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