Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Efficacy of Green tea Extract in Reduction of Oral Salivary Microorganisms, an in Vitro Study

Dr. Ajay Rao H. T, Dr. Sham S. Bhat, Dr. Sundeephegde K, Dr. Rakshaballal, Dr. Vikramjhamb

Abstract :

Objective: To assess the antimicrobial effect of green tea extract against oral salivary microorganisms. Materials andMethods: 30 Salivary samples were obtained by spitting into dry plastic vials. Collected saliva samples were centrifuged. Each vial was mixed completely on a shaker after which 1 ml of saliva added to 9 ml of ethanol by a sterile pipette and mixed. 1 ml of green tea hydro alcoholic extract and 1 ml of mouthwash was added to 1–1 ml of each case specimen and was transferred to culture medium of trypticase soy agar. Agar plates incubated at 37 degree celcius for 48 hours to allow for microbial growth.microbial colonies counted by independent interpreter to evaluate the result. Statistical Analysis: Data obtained analysed using one way annova test.P values less than 0.001 groups were statistically significant. Result: Result of our study showed that Mean colony count of salivary microbial population was (1752±493) 974 in saline group (negative control), (47±7) 22 in (0.12%) chlorhexidine group (positive control),(542±135) 172 in green tea extract (2%) group (case control). Conclusion: Mouthwash containing green tea extract can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine mouthwash.

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Dr. Ajay Rao H.T,Dr. Sham S. Bhat, Dr.SundeepHegde K, Dr.RakshaBallal, Dr.VikramJhamb Efficacy of Green tea Extract in Reduction of Oral Salivary Microorganisms, an in Vitro Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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