Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy among Adolescents with Learning Disability

Dr. Tony P Jose, Dr. A Kubendran

Abstract :

Learning disabilities impose serious limitations on students’ capacity for achievement in the verbal and quantitative domains which in turn interfere with their socialization as well as holistic development including adaptation to environment. Cognitive behavioural therapies that have been shown to be more effective to reduce emotional problems, anxiety and other maladaptive behaviours among learning disabled children .Learning disabled students improved their ability to apply academic, social, and self–management skills after receiving cognitive behavioural interventions. This review paper is discussed the efficacy of cognitive behavioural interventions among learning disabled students 

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Dr. Tony P Jose, Dr. A Kubendran Efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy among Adolescents with Learning Disability International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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