Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


K. Mohan, Dr. Ar. Saravanakumar

Abstract :

The present article highlights the Attention Strategies on enhancing the students’ achievement in English. In this study Attention Strategies are the independent variable and students’ achievement in English is the dependent variable. Based on some advantages of experimental research, the study has adopted single group experimental design for the present investigation. This study consists of seven experimentation phases. 40 XII – standard students were taken as a sample. Two tools were developed and validated to assess the attention strategies and students achievement in English. The tools were administered throughout the experimental period of 6 weeks. The data for Attention strategies and achievement in English on pre and post–tests were collected and computed for statistical analysis. The findings revealed that there was significant mean difference between the pre–test and post–test scores of the experimental group and there was on enhancing student’s attention as well as in their academic achievement due to the application of Attention strategies.

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K. Mohan, Dr. Ar. Saravanakumar Efficacy of Attention Strategies on Enhancing Students¥ Achievement in English International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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